Michele’s Inner Circle

$49.00 now, and $49.00 on the 1st of each month

Congratulations! You just took the first, huge step towards becoming a better painter! Developing your skills as an artist is something you enjoy for the rest of your life! No matter where you are on your journey, Art Rave Inner Circle will inspire you to paint, encourage you to try new things, help you see and appreciate life in a whole new way, and gently guide you towards finding your own voice as an artist.

First payment: May 1, 2024

SKU: micheles-inner-circle-new Category:

Each month you can enjoy:

  • 1. Being part of our inspiring, artistic community! With access to our exclusive Private Facebook Group!
  • 2. ALL our past videos and lessons: Shop for Individual Tutorials to add them to your personal library for free! When you are logged in, you have access to your favorite paintings in your personal library, for as long as you are a member.
  • 2. Art Rave Live Virtual Events: Each month I’ll paint live THREE times on Facebook in our Private Inner Circle Group. These live planning and painting sessions are ONLY available in the Inner Circle Membership! Members get exclusive, early access to watching Michele design and paint paintings for the upcoming months. You can put those dates on your calendar and show up for any or all three of these live events!! If your schedule doesn’t fit those evenings, the videos will be saved for a few months in the Facebook group in GUIDES. Temples and oultines for each painting can be easily accessed in the Private Group FILES. (Guides and Files are tabs along the top of the group or a side menu, depending on what device you using.)
  • 3. Monday Mini - Live the first Monday of the month! The first monday of every month Michele teaches a big lesson in a little package! She goes over inspiration, research, sketching and color selection, as well as taking you through a complete painting on a little 4x4 canvas! If you miss it, all minis are all stored in the private Facebook Group GUIDES, to access at any time.